Important Note:
We have provided accurate directions below, including a click-able Google map. However, Google, Yahoo, MapQuest or GPS directions do not always offer the best route and sometimes direct people to the other end of Hurricane Hill Road (which turns into a trail before you get to this end which you can not drive through). If you choose to use them, please check their directions on a map to make sure you're not being directed out of your way.
We live at the Townsend Road end of Hurricane Hill Road, just 4 houses from the Massachusetts State line. (Map location approximate)
From Route 3 northbound (From Massachusetts)
- Route 3 to exit 33 (route 40)
- Follow Route 40 west about 7+ miles to Groton Center (Church, stop sign) and turn right onto Route 119 West
- Follow 119 about 7 miles to the common in Townsend. JUST after the center, (you'll pass route 13 and a huge white church) you'll go over the Squannacook River bridge, take the next right onto Turnpike Road
- Follow Turnpike road to a bridge. Take a sharp right just after the bridge onto Barker Hill Road.
- Follow about 2 miles. You'll pass a huge field and a cow pasture. You'll see a sign for Laurel Hill Road on the left, OUR road; Hurricane Hill Road is the next right.
- Turn right and we're just around the corner on the right.
From Route 3 southbound (From the Nashua area or north):
- Route 3 South to exit 35 (Route 113)
- Follow Route 113 west through the towns of Dunstable and Pepperell
- Follow the 113 signs to Pepperell/Townsend, Do not take the left turn that goes to 119 in Groton
- When you get to the intersection of Routes 113 and 119, turn right onto Route 119 West.
- Follow 119 about 4 miles to the common in Townsend. JUST after the center, (you'll pass route 13 and a huge white church) you'll go over the Squannacook River bridge, take the next right onto Turnpike Road. Follow Turnpike road to a bridge. Take a sharp right just after the bridge onto Barker Hill Road
- Follow about 2 miles. You'll pass a huge field and a cow pasture. You'll see a sign for Laurel Hill Road on the left,OUR road; Hurricane Hill Road is the next right. Turn right and we're just around the corner on the right.
From Route 495:
- Route 495 to exit 31 (route 119)
- Follow route 119 west through Groton. Pepperell and into Townsend center. JUST after the center, (you'll pass route 13 and a huge white church) you'll go over the Squannacook River bridge, take the next right onto Turnpike Road.
- Follow Turnpike road to a bridge. Take a sharp right just after the bridge onto Barker Hill Road.
- Follow about 2 miles. You'll pass a huge field and a cow pasture. You'll see a sign for Laurel Hill Road on the left, OUR road; Hurricane Hill Road is the next right. Turn right and we're just around the corner on the right.
From Route 101
- Route 101 to the Route 13 exit (in Milford)
- Follow route 13 south (towards Brookline) about 6 miles until you reach a blinking yellow light. You will see a sign for Parker's Maple Barn/The Spa Barn
- Take that right turn onto Mason Road and follow Mason Road for about 2 miles. When you see the sign on the left for The Spa Barn, take that left which is Campbell Mill Road
- Follow Campbell Mill Road about 1-2 miles, it turns into a dirt road. There's a sharp right curve on Campbell Mill Road (at Lost Valley Rd) follow Campbell Mill Road to the right
- When you come to an intersection with another dirt road which is Hurricane Hill Road, turn left. Follow Hurricane Hill Road about one mile. Our sign for HURRICANE HILL STABLES looks exactly like the logo on top and bottom of this page. Also, there's a #69 on the tree.
- Use our first driveway (a long, wide gravel road) from this direction, not the 2nd driveway.
From Route 13 eastbound:
- Follow route 13 from Fitchburg east toward Townsend
- Take a left at the Route 13 & 119 intersection. Just after you turn, you'll go over the Squannacook River bridge, take the next right onto Turnpike Road
- Follow Turnpike road to a bridge. Take a sharp right just after the bridge onto Barker Hill Road. Follow about 2 miles. You'll pass a huge field and a cow pasture. You'll see a sign for Laurel Hill Road on the left, OUR road; Hurricane Hill Road is the next right. Turn right and we're just around the corner on the right.
Where to enter/park
- We have two driveways. The first one goes to our house. Please use the second driveway; this gravel driveway is the barn entrance for horse related stuff and lessons with more room to park.
Hurricane Hill Stables
69 Hurricane Hill Road
Mason, NH 03048